Milwaukee is swiftly becoming more known for it's rich and deep artist culture. People in Milwaukee must be starting to appreciate "The Arts" more, maybe Milwaukee artists are traveling and presenting / performing globally more often, maybe Milwaukee is bringing more artists from other places into the city for work, maybe.....You could go on forever...
...But don't....For example, connecting with the very signature, intricate and playful artwork of Professional Milwaukee based Reginald Baylor Studio does not have to only happen inside of a museum anymore. There is a colorful space located on 211 W Florida St. is open to the public with specific hours of operation and appointment showings. Check it out!

Well, actually this place is sort vibed out like a mini exhibition of home decor like pillows and shower curtains, art, exclusive fashion pieces, shot glasses, it's brilliant branding. The transition from the canvass to other forms of visual art creation and product delivery is not easy for many artists let alone managing an actual brick and mortar. You will be inspired and educated all through the store.

The owner Reginald Baylor plans to expand the flexible usage and of the space and incorporate lots of community interaction. Another reason why you should support the new store opening up is because Reginald Baylor is a well established artist and reasonably could have set up shop anywhere. If you ask him he will tell you, he wants to see Milwaukee artists flourish and he is always organizing to generate fresh opportunities locally. This is another vivid destination business Milwaukee has been asking for! Go see for your self!

Expect more explorations and sharing of our local MKE jewels , check out the archive posts as well! Let's all grow our art economy TOGETHER!