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Recently we hosted our ALL DAY Mke event in coordination with the Milwaukee Art Museum Teen Art Xpress Summer Interns. We unveiled the now infamous MCTS bus art at the event. News was made! Okay fine, history was made!

We are also very proud of the way the leadership at the MAM stood strong with the idea that art / the Museum itself will not to be censored or pressured to 'cover up' artists work and that the youth participants developed their own vision and worked together to bring it to the public. Deal with it. Deal with the voices and realities that too often get shut out and silenced.

Deal with what those children at the boarders are dealing with. Feel that.

Hundreds of people witnessed and listened to youth artists voice their thoughts and ideas about how powerful pubic art can be. Youth shared personal and family experiences with guests from all over. A very magical moment when that bus pulled up. Cheers and smiles , tears and fears. People were nervous and camera phones were out everywhere. Why nervous? People on site that day, parents, educators, artists and people passing by or riding bikes knew this piece of public and also mobile art would ruffle some feathers. The dialogue and exchange of perspectives began to happen instantly.

As you can see, the message is clear. Immigration in Milwaukee is not a new topic. Now, this city bus can be seen riding all around the Milwaukee, changing routes daily surely sparking conversations like any good piece of original art.

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